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The EIMF Live Online Learning Experience
Participants will receive access to the recorded sessions of the course.
EIMF subject-matter experts deliver engaging and interactive courses across a broad spectrum of areas, that can be enjoyed in the comfort of your own chosen environment. Read more
Course Overview
Knowledge of the Basel rules for banks and of how they are implemented in the EU (the Capital Requirement Directives, CRDs and Regulations, CRRs) is essential for anyone connected to the financial sector. This is however a significant challenge, both because of their complexity and because, since the Great Financial Crisis and the later related Eurozone crisis exposed the inadequacy of the previous rules (Basel II), they have been significantly revised. This was a lengthy process but the main areas are now essentially complete. The course covers the main changes introduced by Basel III (CRDs IV and V and CRRs I and II) and so-called Basel IV (CRD VI and CRRIII). It also includes connected regulatory measures such as EMIR (post REFIT) and MREL to give a comprehensive overview. Examples from a bank’s recent Pillar Three report are included throughout.
Training Fee
HRDA-approved seminars are exempted from VAT for eligible organisations applying for the HRDA subsidy. A 19% VAT will apply to seminars and participants who do not qualify for the HRDA subsidy.
21 in stock
Day 1: TBA
Start time: 10:30 EEST
End time: 13:15 EEST
Venue: Live Online
Coordinates: 5 | Duration: 5 hrs
Directions: <a href="https://eimf.eu/event-organizer/michael-stafferton/">Michael Stafferton (view the trainer's bio below)</a>
Phone: +35722274470
Email: [email protected]
Venue: Live Online
CPD Units: 5 | Duration: 5 hrs
Phone: +35722274470
Training Schedule
Industry Expert: Michael Stafferton (view the trainer's bio below)