We’re thrilled to invite you to an upcoming CompTIA event hosted by New Horizons. This is going to be an incredible opportunity to learn from the one and only Dr. James Stanger, CompTIA’s Chief Technology Evangelist.
IT leaders around the world are looking for confidence. Join CompTIA’s Chief Technology Evangelist, Dr. James Stanger, to learn more about some of the chronic, long-standing root causes that sap that confidence. James will discuss how hidden long-term worst practices are costing you more than any cybersecurity event. Then, James will talk about the long-term, critical steps you can take to overcome unique IT challenges. James will also mention ways that IT leaders around the world have addressed critical issues; he’s ready to hear your perspective.
This is an opportunity you simply can’t afford to miss. Get ready to walk away feeling inspired, informed, and ready to take your IT leadership to new heights!
Dr. James Stanger | CompTIA’s Chief Technology Evangelist