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EIMF Has Assisted 6,000+ Professionals Get Certified
Ready for your next professional certification? Choose from 9 self-paced eLearning courses and enjoy a 30% discount!
*complete your purchase before 21 April 2024
Course Overview
In today’s sales, the buying process usually involves a group of indecisive decision makers who can get easily confused or side-tracked. Very often the biggest competitor is not in fact another company, but INACTION: the customer simply chooses to do nothing.
Therefore, there is a need for a more effective selling strategy, a methodology that shakes up and alerts your customer from their ‘sleeping state’ and compels them to want to do business with you.
This seminar will deliver a clear step-by-step sales methodology that empowers professionals to shock their customer by exposing hidden risks or opportunities they are missing out on, and guide the customer towards a new way of doing things.
This seminar will help professionals assertively take control of the customer conversation and drive the sale home.
Training Fee
HRDA-approved seminars are exempted from VAT for eligible organisations applying for the HRDA subsidy. A 19% VAT will apply to seminars and participants who do not qualify for the HRDA subsidy.
28 in stock
Day 1: TBA
Start time: 09:00 EET
End time: 17:15 EET
Venue: Classroom (Nicosia)
Coordinates: 7 | Duration: 7 hrs
Directions: <a href="https://eimf.eu/event-organizer/alkis-kaimakis/">Alkis Kaimakis (view the trainers' bio here)</a>
Phone: +357 22274470
Email: [email protected]
Venue: Classroom (Nicosia)
CPD Units: 7 | Duration: 7 hrs
Phone: +357 22274470
Training Schedule
Industry Expert: Alkis Kaimakis (view the trainers' bio here)