The aim of this seminar is to familiarise participants with the basic concepts and principles of International Taxation (in particular the OECD Model tax treaty and the analysis of cross-border business transactions) and provide a practical environment in which these can be applied to hypothetical situations, thus enabling them to advise clients and colleagues on taxation affecting individuals and domestic corporations doing business in foreign markets.
In global marketplace, it is vital to expand and improve your knowledge of the tax laws and systems pertaining to the various markets as well as to explore various techniques in international tax planning. To minimize the tax burden on income and profits for you and your clients, acceleration of your understanding of critical tax laws and regulations affecting cross-border transactions is essential.
Training Objectives
By the end of the programme, participants are expected to be able to:
- Distinguish between various tax systems and understand the difference between Worldwide Tax system, Territorial Tax System and Mixed Tax System.
- Identify and analyse the interaction of tax systems arising from cross border transactions.
- Recognise double taxation issues and eliminate double taxation by applying the provisions of Tax Treaties.
- Understand the concept of double tax treaties and their interpretation.
- Understand the OECD MTC and its vital role in the interpretation of the Double Tax Treaties.
- Recognise the different anti-avoidance regimes and understand their impact for taxpayers.
Training Outline
International Taxation – An Introduction
- International Tax Definition
- Major Principle of cross border transactions
- Theory of Tax Law
- Examples of domestic and international tax implications- Calculations and class discussion
Tax Systems and Policy Considerations
- Definitions of the tax systems
- International tax theory – concepts
- Interaction of tax systems arising from cross border transactions
Source of Income, Residence Status, Tax Jurisdictions
- Explanation of source of income, residence status and tax jurisdictions.
- Explanation of the concept of permanent establishment per the OECD model
- Double Taxation – methods of elimination
Double Tax Treaties
- Explanation of OECD and UN Treaty Models
- Interpretation of double tax treaties
Anti Avoidance Regimes and Anti Avoidance Provisions
- Definition of tax evasion and tax avoidance
- CFC rules
- Tax haven rules
- Thin capitalization
- Black and White lists
- Limitation of benefits
Who Should Attend
This seminar has been specifically designed to meet the needs of professionals from various backgrounds who wish to develop their competence in the field of International Taxation, and benefit from the credibility that this expert knowledge will afford them. This seminar is addressed to:
- CFOs
- Directors
- Senior Managers
- Tax Consultants
- Chief Accountants
- Financial Controllers
- Lawyers
Training Style
The programme is designed to deliver high-level knowledge and insights into the tax laws and systems pertaining to the various markets as well as to explore various techniques in international tax planning. It will strive to enhance participants’ skills and knowledge via lectures supported by power-point presentations and practical examples. The training style is both training-focused, involving a combination of presentation and real-live examples, but also learner-focused, where participants are encouraged to raise questions, seek clarifications and share their opinions from their different perspectives and engage in an exchange of views and personal professional experiences.
CPD Recognition
This programme may be approved for up to 7 CPD units in Accounting and Auditing. Eligibility criteria and CPD Units are verified directly by your association, regulator or other bodies which you hold membership.